Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Trip

Tune: Over the river

Over the mountains and thru the snow,
out of Alaska we go.
Dad knows the way to drive the bus,
Oer the white and greasy roads.
Tears come and go as we've said goodbye,
to many, many friends.
Who've been to us like family,
In this far away Northern land.

Over the border and now on in,
to Canada we go.
The frost heaves are high and we bump along,
as on and on we roll.
Breanna and Levi are having fun,
and little Andy too.
They love the bus, the big blue bus,
that we've packed all our things into.

to be continued....

(Sorry, I have more pictures but they are on the camera and Tyler just headed out with it to load things up again- we got the luxury of a motel last night!)  Wi-Fi in Canada is .... uh..... lacking. 
P.S. photos are from way back in Wasilla.


Becky Gonce said...

HAHA cute! Love the song and can't wait for another installment! Looking forward to seeing you in OR in a few weeks!

Shay said...

You're having an adventure !

Cant wait to hear from you when you get where you're going. Dont forget to enjoy the ride!

Love to you and the family.

Lyle and Jill said...

What a fun adventure for the kids even though it is a long trip. Keep us posted on your whereabouts. Have a safe trip

Marla said...

Quite the adventure and a very fun way that you are documenting it for the children to remember when they are older. Great memories being made!!